Dr Gavin Sidhu

Dr Gavin Sidhu

Dr Gavin Sidhu Dr Gavin graduated from the University of Adelaide with a degree in dental surgery in 2011. Dr Gavin became a dentist as he is passionate about restoring the health and confidence of his patients through a healthy and beautiful smile. He believes that outlining the pros and cons of every treatment option […]

Dr Aditya Shah

Dr Aditya Shah

Dr Adi Shah Dr Adi completed his dental studies on the Gold Coast and has over seven years of experience in comprehensive restorative and cosmetic dentistry. With practising all aspects of general dentistry, Dr Adi has also developed a keen interest in digital dentistry with the help of digital scanners. He focuses on clear aligners […]

Dr John Choi

Dr John Choi

Dr John Choi Dr John chose dentistry as a career as it allowed him to meet a diverse range of people from all walks of life. He loves listening to and understanding unique journeys and life stories of his patients and bonding with them through providing exceptional dentistry and experiences. Before his dental career, Dr […]

Dr Chris Sammut

Dr Chris Sammut

Dr Chris Sammut Dr Chris graduated from the University of Sydney with a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree in 2016. He also holds a degree in science with first-class honours in chemistry, which he completed before studying dentistry. Studying dentistry has been a childhood dream for Dr Chris as he has always enjoyed regular dental […]

Dr Kevin Lo

Dr Kevin Lo

Dr Kevin Lo Dr Kevin graduated with a Doctor of Dental Medicine from the University of Sydney. He is passionate about all aspects of dentistry, with a specific interest in Cosmetic Dentistry and Oral Surgery. Dr Kevin is constantly looking for opportunities to fine-tune his skills by regularly attending courses and conferences. Having grown up […]

Dr Kevin Lin

Dr Kevin Lin

Dr Kevin Lin After graduating three years ago, Dr Kevin primarily worked in private practices before joining the team. His focus is on providing ethical, pain-free and excellent dental treatment to all his patients, specialising in restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Dr Kevin is consistently developing his skills to treat patients to the best of his […]

Dr Richard Zhou

Dr Richard Zhou

Dr Richard Zhou Dr Richard completed his postgraduate dental degree at the University of Sydney after completing a degree in physiotherapy. He has worked in private practices across Sydney and rural NSW, assisting patients in all areas of dentistry. Caring and understanding, he endeavours to provide patients with the highest level of care. Dr Richard […]

Dr Damian Ha

Dr Damian Ha

Dr Damian Ha Dr Damian completed his postgraduate dental degree from the University of Queensland. After working in the private sector in Melbourne for multiple years, he now resides in Sydney. Dr Damian takes a friendly, measured and professional approach to quality dental care and patient well-being. Dr Damian’s treatment philosophy is to optimise and […]

Dr Vincent Cheung

Dr Vincent Cheung

Dr Vincent Cheung Dr Vincent completed his post-graduate degree as a Doctor of Dental Medicine at the University of Sydney. Upon graduation, he was awarded a university medal in proficiency and professionalism in clinical dentistry, an Alumni medal for proficiency in paediatric dentistry and a prize from the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons for […]

Dr Bernice Ng

Dr Bernice Ng

Dr Bernice Ng Dr Bernice completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the University of Adelaide, receiving the Austin Bazeley award for the highest standard in Oral Medicine and Applied Oral Pathology. Dr Bernice has spent many years working in private practices across Adelaide and Sydney. Born in Singapore, she is bilingual and fluent in […]