Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

If you’ve been experiencing severe tooth pain or sensitivity, your dentist may recommend root canal treatment.

While the thought of undergoing a root canal may be daunting, it’s important to understand that this procedure can save a damaged or infected tooth and prevent the need for extraction.

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy or root canal therapy, is a dental procedure that is designed to save a damaged or infected tooth. It is a dental procedure that involves removing the pulp of a tooth that has become infected or damaged.

The pulp is located inside a tooth, which contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When it becomes infected or damaged, it can cause severe pain and sensitivity. 

Why is root canal treatment necessary?

root canal treatment Sydney
  • When the pulp of a tooth becomes infected or damaged, it cannot be repaired by simple restoration only because the pulp will become inflamed and can cause swelling on the gum area.
  • Deep decay or caries can expose the pulp of a tooth, as well as cracks, chips, and trauma. If left untreated, an infected or damaged tooth can lead to abscess or even tooth loss.
  • It can help relieve root canal pain and sensitivity caused by infection or damage to the tooth.
  • Root canal therapy can save a damaged or infected tooth and prevent the need for extraction.


If you have been experiencing severe pain for a long time now, the root canal dentist will first diagnose your tooth through x-rays and endodontic tests. The purpose of endodontic tests is to help the dentist identify the cause of the patient’s symptoms and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Some common endodontic tests include:

  • Percussion testing
  • Palpation testing
  • Thermal testing
  • Electric pulp testing


Each of these tests provides valuable information about the health of the tooth and can help the dentist determine if root canal treatment Sydney is necessary.

Root canal therapy involves two to three appointments with a root canal dentist.

During the first appointment, the affected tooth will be administered with local anaesthesia. The dentist will drill an opening into the pulp chamber of your tooth.

For front teeth, the opening is located at the back, while for premolars or molar teeth, it is located on top of the tooth. In this appointment, existing caries or decay will also be removed from the tooth.

The root canal will be cleaned, irrigated, and enlarged to facilitate complete removal of debris and the pulp itself. After cleaning, the canal will be filled with gutta-percha and seal it with a filling material.

After root canal therapy, you may experience sensitivity and discomfort for a few days, which is normal. The dentist will prescribe over-the-counter pain medications for your postoperative care.

The root canal treated tooth may become weaker and more prone to fractures and cracks. Since the pulp of a tooth is removed during the treatment, it leaves the tooth more brittle and susceptible to breakage.

And because of this, a dental crown is recommended for tooth restoration, to protect further damage on the tooth structure as well as to restore its function and strength.

For more information on what is root canal, click the button below and schedule a complimentary phone consultation with us at Cosmetique Dental.

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